Former Prosecutor Sheds Light on Derek Chauvin Trial
On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, Attorney Brian Furlong visited the LPS Speaker Series. Mr. Furlong was a former prosecutor in Maryland but currently works for the federal government advising law enforcement agents on legal matters.
“Mr. Furlong was invited to speak to our students as a respected member of the legal community and former prosecutor for the state of Maryland,” LPS Program Manager Janice Acebo said.
With an extensive background in law, Mr. Furlong candidly shared with students many personal experiences in which he encountered difficult cases and trials.
“I liked how Mr. Furlong told us about some of the cases he has worked on in the past,” freshman Luana Case shared. “Listening to Mr. Furlong share this with us was very interesting,” she added.
However, what interested students even more was Mr. Furlong’s insight into the recent Derek Chauvin trial, the police officer who was on trial for the murder of George Floyd, and the law enforcement system as a whole in relation to the case.
“In light of the attention for the Chauvin case and all of the interest surrounding the death and symbolism behind George Floyd’s murder, Mr. Furlong shared what might have been going on behind the scenes of the trial, and what the process would have been like for the prosecution team,” Ms. Acebo commented. “Having tried cases related to abuses of power and race, Mr. Furlong shared some of the struggles of trying to ensure justice in difficult situations, including the personal and emotional toll brought on by these cases and the strain on the community at large,” she added.
In addition, Mr. Furlong gave students both academic and professional advice. For instance, he told students that “good lawyers are both critical readers and good writers.”
LPS hopes that more speakers like Mr. Furlong will share their experiences with students who are interested in law and public safety.

Soojin Kim is a senior in the Law and Public Safety Academy and a fourth-year member of the Maroon Tribune. In addition to being Co-Editor-in-Chief of...