NHS Inductees Look to Bright Future


On the night of February 25, 2016, DMAE’s auditorium was filled with students wearing shiny white robes, waiting to light their dull candlesticks with symbolic flame. There were 29 sophomores, juniors, and seniors inducted into the distinguished National Honor Society. They joined with other like-minded, and scholarly students that evening to continue the tradition.

“Being recognized as a member of the National Honor Society is a prestigious and noteworthy accomplishment,” Principal Peter Elbert said in his congratulatory remarks to the inducted members. “But with this recognition comes the responsibility of service. I am confident that you will provide the pride that you feel tonight with the spirit of service befitting your place in  the National Honor Society,” he added.

The National Honors society was founded in 1921 to recognize outstanding students who best represent the four pillars of the organization; scholarship, leadership, service and character. There are now an estimated one million students nationwide who participate in the NHS. NHS Advisor Mindy Rochman explained that there were 88 applicants, but only approximately 25 percent of those students were accepted, making the application process extremely competitive.

In order to apply for the National Honor Society, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0, and have a healthy list of leadership positions that include service to student and the community, work experience, recognitions, and awards. Candidate also had to submit an essay describing why they were interested in joining the NHS.

“The application process was a little bit stressful because you didn’t really know what to put down and you kind of weren’t sure if anything was enough,” sophomore Alexandra Dachenko said.  “I always thought I did a lot but when I asked around it seemed like all my peers did more than me.”

Rejected students were allowed to ask for an appeal meeting with NHS Advisor Mindy Rochman and Mr. Elbert to go over the application and learn what they needed to improve on for the following year. Though, originally only 25 percent of the applicant pool for NHS were accepted, another seven members were inducted through the appeals process.

“At first I  was rejected but I decided to appeal to see what I would have to improve on for my junior year,” sophomore Bill Shin explained. “While discussing it with Ms. Rochman and Mr. Elbert, Ms. Rochman saw an error on the scoring process, so I was accepted,” he explained happily.

Despite being a renowned and selective organization, the NHS has garnered the stigma of only being something to put on your college application. President Giannina Garcia worked to change this stigma by getting members more involved in the community.

“People underestimate the power that volunteering brings to you, not only in your community but just as role models to other people,” Giannina said. “I hope that we have created a strong foundation of this service so the underclassmen have an example to follow.”

The induction night began with a procession of the accepted students entering the auditorium, accepting a gold cord, pin, an official NHS certificate, and a gold rose to give to people who helped them in life. Students signed the official Delta Mu Sigma NHS chapter registry. The ceremony ended with refreshments and an eager look for the future.