Students for a Free Tibet Keep Fighting

Struggling to maintain a spot in the list of DMAE Thursday clubs, Students for a Free Tibet has been functioning with 1% of the entire student body to perform a major task—to promote the protection of Tibet, its people, culture, tradition and history.
“Tibet is a country that has been repressed by China,” co-vice president Nobuyo Wantanabe said. “China is taking away their culture by burning down their temples, they are taking away their freedom, and the people don’t have a voice,” he explained.
Since 1950, Tibet and its people have been under the brutal occupation of the Chinese, and despite more than a million dead Tibetans, the issue lacks representation in mass media.
With the supervision of technology teacher Anthony Dinallo, current Stanford sophomore and DMAE alumni Sangmo Tenzin started the club four years ago.
“She’s Tibetan. Her parents had to flee Tibet, and she wanted to bring awareness of the Tibetan people to DMAE,” Mr. Dinallo said.
Just like Unicef, American Red Cross—two extremely popular clubs among students—and other clubs with similar purposes, Students for a Free Tibet deserves more attention and representation on campus.
“I don’t think people pay attention to it, even when they are told,” club secretary Ashley Lopez said. “People don’t really see it as an issue because it doesn’t affect America as much.”
Club members share the same ultimate goal: to promote the current events of Tibet on campus. Eye catching posters were recently put up around the school to encourage students to join.
The club is making a comeback through a churro fundraiser, all of which will be added to the current goal of $1,200. Past fundraisers include muscle tanks and cake pops.
2016 marks 22 years since the establishment of the organization in 1994. All students are encouraged to join the club or the fight for a Free Tibet in support of human rights.