The Face of a Community/A Principal for Positive Change

Billy Bowie knows the great things that can come from looking at the world with an open mind and an open heart. One of those things is leadership.
Although his positive attitude seems almost impossible given the DMAE scandal-riddled campus he came in to, Dr. Bowie works mindfully to encompass the qualities he believes make a good leader. Compassion for the students, and keeping an open mind regardless of the different situations he encounters with students is what he believes is important to his success as a principal.
“Empathy is critical. If a student is having a bad day and not functioning as well in the classroom, what can we do to support him?” Dr. Bowie asked intently. “We don’t necessarily have to put him in ISS; he might just need a break.”
This approach to helping students reflects his experience as an educator, including years in South Korea. Dr. Bowie knows the amazing benefits diversity adds to any community locally and globally, but also the challenges it brings and Englewood is hands-down the most diverse environment he has been a part of.
“That Academy/DM relationship is the most unique quality of this district, but beyond that, are the demographics,” said Dr. Bowie directly. “We span the globe literally in our student population and how we coexist here,” he added with a smile.
Some might have found it impossible to come into DMAE with no prior first impressions, but Dr. Bowie remained firmly open-minded.
“I just let an environment speak for itself, so I try not to have any first impressions of anything,” Dr. Bowie stated. “I was not hesitant to join this team. With every situation, such as the one that happened last year, you have an opportunity for positive change,” he explained.
While working hand in hand with the DMAE community, Dr. Bowie is aiming to improve the school in several ways, the first dealing with the master schedule. He wants there to be time for clubs, tutorials, teacher collaborations, and ways for students to adopt his broad-minded philosophy.
“I love seeing opportunities for students to be able to be a part of the things that they are most interested in and continuing to expand that, so the partnership piece with our community will be growing,” Dr. Bowie promised.
During his first year as the face of DMAE, Dr. Bowie hopes to create a new community family that looks at the world in brotherhood, instead of controversy.