Branding Positivity


It’s been a year unlike any other for everyone on campus, staff to students.  We have witnessed so much… we are living through something that would be fodder for a movie, a scary and unrealistic one, at that.  The physical and political pandemic has overwhelmed us in many ways, and we continue to navigate these challenges as a country and global community.  Things have not been easy, and it is especially true for the students of the world.

One thing that I have come to realize is that our DMAE Community is unlike any other when it comes to being unrelenting. 

DMAE Staff

Our staff is unrelenting when it comes to rising to the occasion in providing students with the best possible, evolving and engaging educational experience.  Our teachers and counselors are working harder than ever to give students their best each and every day; I frequently get emails from them well-past midnight asking for guidance on lesson plans and offering ideas they have to move our school forward during this unique time.  They love DMAE so deeply… they love their students in ways I have never seen in almost 20 years of my educational career. 

DMAE Students

Our students are unrelenting when it comes to rising to the occasion to work harder than ever to commit to their education, their family, their friends and their passions.  Students present me with so many wonderful ideas to build community within our virtual world, often pushing themselves to commit themselves to others… to be unquestionably selfless… in a time when many choose to focus solely on themselves.  Engaging in virtual learning each and every day is absolutely tough, but our students do it; they open up their laptop, put their best face forward and get to work.  

I am truly inspired by our students. Students: please know that you have a fan in me.  You have handled this time with grit, perseverance, a growth mindset and grace. I am the proudest Principal because I know that my students simply won’t give up. 

Our Community

DMAE is unrelenting when it comes to not backing down; I have seen this over my last year-and-a-half here.  

We are a community of learners, educators and advocates, and we will continue to push through this, push forward, together.  

Let’s continue to be unrelenting — the world needs the unrelenting light that shines so brightly at DMAE.