Clubs Weather Zooming
Remote learning has taken a lot away from students, but Clubs have persevered at DMAE! The DMAE student body has continued to step up, and many Clubs such as Student Council, Red Cross, Page Turners, Prosthetics for Change, and Model U.N. still plan on conducting meetings virtually. To many students, Clubs are still, if not more, important than they were before.

“It holds people together during uncertain times. Clubs become the platform for students who don’t have classes together, such as upperclassmen and underclassmen, to meet,” explained senior Esther Lee who is a PageTurners Co-President
Although despite student efforts, it has not been a smooth transition. Many Clubs have experienced a steep decline in participation and members. Additionally, Clubs have described a feeling of disconnect among members.
“When we held meetings in person, I would stand in front of the classroom and lead the discussion. Everyone actively contributed to the discussion creating a lively atmosphere. On Zoom, only one person can speak at a time which sometimes creates very awkward predicaments,” senior and ProstheticsForChange President Christopher Butcher described.
Fundraising also has been difficult for many Clubs, due to the digital meetings and social distancing guidelines. Despite these struggles, however, students continue to power through. Clubs have still been able to run effectively, conducting meetings as if they were in person, finding ways to use the digital features provided by Teams or Zoom to their advantage.

“Club meetings are held to the same standard. They are conducted in relatively the same way. Things like ‘share screen,’ and occasionally the hand-raise feature, are ways that we have been able to utilize remote learning to our advantage,” explained senior and Student Council Co-President Sienna Tu.
Clubs are continuing to make progress in adjusting digitally and are welcoming members from all grade levels in an effort to make the most of this year.

Mia Madonna is a junior in the Law and Public Safety Academy and a first-year member of The Maroon Tribune. She enjoys covering student events and trips...