Brain Games Hype

Battling out in board games, competing for bragging rights, and smiling through the whole process, the Brain Games Club members look forward to ninth period every Thursday in Room 505.

“Brain Games bring kids together in a friendly yet competitive setting,” club advisor Jana Sperber explained.

Ms. Sperber founded the Brain Games Club several year ago and every year it grows bigger.

“Brain Games is simply brilliant,” joked freshman Alexander Rubino. “We aren’t assigned to play any specific games, however, we are encouraged to try new ones.  Through this experience, I’ve discovered a passion for playing Scattergories. This club has taught me how to play different board games, and to expand my thinking,”  Alexander explained.

According to Ms. Sperber, students usually play games such as Jenga, Balderdash, and Scrabble. Alexander other freshmen Nick Cristancho, Khalid Isahak and Sebastian Veloz enjoy many games, but especially Jenga.

“I enjoy playing my favorite games and having friendly competitions with my peers,” freshman Nick Cristancho said. “It’s a nice way to end the day with creative learning.”

Khalid Ishak said that the strategies he uses in Brain Games has carried over to his everyday life.  He explained that it helps him “complete math tests more quickly” and use “logical reasoning when solving word problems.”

Maxed out at 20 students in the first semester, it is clear that the Brain Games Club is popular at DMAE.