Senior Reflection: Goodbye A@E! And Words of, Well, Advice

“Don’t Procrastinate.” That was the advice most upperclassmen gave. Yet, we went ahead binge-watching on Netflix and cramming all our work on Sunday night. Frankly, my friends even as freshmen pulled all nighters, which is funny because it is nothing compared to the following years. As freshmen, we either learned to love or hate A@E, but those who hated it eventually learned to love it in some mysterious way, the same way I did. Everything from finding a chicken bone lodged in the common area disc drive to losing your gym uniform was a unique experience that I will always look back on with a smile! It may have been four eventful years, but I am happy to transition into the next episode of my life.

Going to school here has been a unique experience. Had I not gone here, I would have been sheltered away from the diversity that our school represents. Unlike what the media makes us believe, cliques are almost non-existent in this school, and a lot of friend circles overlap, which creates a stronger sense of togetherness. I should remind you that these friends will, however, become your enemies during March Madness, haha. Coming from towns all over Bergen County, it is also an adventure exploring your friends’ towns. Your friends will make your experience here ten times better, so make sure to choose them wisely.

And while the project-based learning can be aggravating, especially when you are the most-likely-to-be-a-leader type, I advise you to make the best of it because you can make great friends and truly learn the meaning of team cooperation. There will also be a number of meaningless project assignments, but everything can be a learning experience.

Many students claim that by the end of their high school career, the one skill they gain is their aptitude in writing fluff (euphemism). In retrospect, sophomore year was more of a hell year than junior year was. If you have either Ms. Clark or Ms. Farley, you are sure to be worked to your potential, but trust me when I say that it will be the most academically rewarding year. As for other classes in which you have a free period most of the time, make sure to at least self-study so you don’t have to resort to cheating during tests. My advice is to maintain your integrity because when you get into your dream school April of your senior year, you can pridefully say that you got there with your integrity intact.

Another reminder is to do the things you love. Don’t dwell too much on that one point dragging you away from an A- in Ms. Powell’s class, because at the end of your career, your GPA doesn’t define you. Make the best of your high school years by joining the sport you love and if the school doesn’t provide it, create a club for it! Start a club for anything you love, but, don’t start a club if you are doing it solely for your college resume. It’s true that being well-rounded is a good trait to have, but don’t do a million things if you are miserable doing them or if they interfere with your school work. Work hard but also don’t forget to play hard!