STEM Trip Took Flight

Students bustling about, chaperons trying to maintain order, professors teaching onlookers their respective subjects — subjects such as Contraption System, Network for a Day or even fly a Helicopter; these are some of the scenes that took place during the annual DMAE trip to Bergen Community College for Teen STEM Day.

Approximately 50 DMAE students joined hundreds of other high school students from around New Jersey for this event on March 21, 2014, to learn how to think about new ideas in the areas of Science Technology Math and Engineering (STEM). They all hoped to learn more about whatever they loved and

I wanted students to explore more field opportunities.

to leave STEM Day with knowledge that would prove to be crucial in pursuing their aspirations.

One workshop that caught the eye of junior Joseph Dela Cruz was the Flight Simulator.

“It was the most interactive because everyone got to fly a simulator,” Joseph said.

Another student went to find out about the basics.

“I have an interest in going into a STEM field, which is accounting.” junior Andrew Quintero said.

However, Andrew’s favorite workshop was also the Flight Simulator because he has what he called a “passion for planes.”

DMAE’s science teacher John Jasinski organized the trip and felt it would encourage students to help

It fueled my desire to become an engineer.

expand their horizons.

“I organized the event because I wanted students to explore more field opportunities,” Mr. Jasinski said.

The annual STEM trip is not just fun, it also offers students a head start on their futures because they gain a broad idea of what they wish to learn.

This view of the future was true for Joshua Cruz who wants to become an air nautical engineer. It is the reason he was excited to attend the trip in the first place.

“There were workshops that interested me,” Joshua said. “It fueled my desire to become an engineer.”

The STEM trip is a unique experience that can change a person’s view on a multitude of fields. The trip can also help expand a student’s ambition in a certain field. Just as Andrew seemed to see his dreams “take flight,” students who attend Teen STEM Day might be able to see their own field come to life.